Marketing Opportunities

Reaching over 2,500 Barbershop Singers

With delegates coming from all parts of the UK plus visitors from Europe and the USA, this is an idealtime to get your message to this highly influential  group of people.

There arevarious marketing packages available to reach these delegates to the biggest barbershop event outside of North America.There are also opportunities to sponsorindivîdual events during the weekend with prices starting at just     200. ln addition, we can offer to insert your leafletin each Delegate Pack for just  IOO.

To discuss your part cipat on and to produce a personalised marketing plan, please emailhere

Advertising in the Convention Programme

Advertise Your Business

Get your business, product or service in front or over 2500 barbershop singers.

Advertise Your Club

Advertise a club event or club show.

Advertise Your Quartet

Promote your quartet for singouts and shows.

For furtherinformation email:

Club Stands

These are available for BABS club's to display their publicity material. Sales of CDs, DVDs, Show Tickets or any  promotional items etc. is not permitted.

Whilst there is no charge for displaying the stand, a £30 donation to BABS Harmony Foundation would be expected.

Press Contacts

Convention Marketing& Publicity Manager

BABS Press Room

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